University of Utah Burn Camp Increases Quality
of Care, Builds Deeper Connections
Meet University of Utah Burn Camp
The University of Utah Health Burn Camp Program was established in 1993 and runs five different programs geared toward specific age groups, providing a safe and supportive atmosphere for everyone involved. Each of program consists of camper activities that foster self-esteem building, teamwork, and peer interaction.
Additionally, burn camp staff are made up of professional nurses, firefighters, physical therapists, and volunteers who have all have participated in a national camp training program.

The Challenge
The University of Utah Burn Camp supports burn survivors who also experience the personal challenges associated with surviving a burn injury. Kristen Quinn, Program Director, understands that they provide campers with the tools needed to not only survive an injury, but to also thrive in recovery.
With a focus on self-esteem building, teamwork, and peer interaction, Quinn and her team make sure to provide an individualized experience for every camper. In order to do so, camp staff specialize in taking the time needed to make the camp experience an enriching one, catering to the needs of each survivor. This requires that camp staff have a detailed medical history of their campers including their mental, emotional, and social health needs. Obtaining and accessing these records was near impossible, as camp staff had been using multiple different, and mostly-homegrown systems, which were inflexible and clunky.

The Solution
Why CampDoc?
In 2015, the University of Utah Burn Camp implemented CampDoc, which has helped positively impact the lives of their participants. No longer do camp staff have to sort through paper records and dig into outdated software, as they have instant access to the vital information they need to create a camp experience designed for each survivor.
“Almost all of our intake forms are custom because we need ones that capture each participant’s injury and treatment history, so we can understand the mental health struggles they may be having,” said Quinn.
Staff can also access historical records, and with the ability to send bulk emails through CampDoc, Quinn can easily keep in touch with past participants. With this feature, she can seek their guidance and keep camp alumni as continuing contributors to the community. “On the 30th anniversary of our adolescent program, I reached out to previous participants and had them prepare a legacy message for new campers. Or when we have a fundraiser coming up, I can reach out to former campers to get their ideas too,” adds Quinn.

Our parents and guardians love being able to complete camp health forms and waivers online!
– Kristen Quinn, Program Director,
University of Utah Burn Camp

Our parents and guardians love being able to complete camp health forms and waivers online!
– Kristen Quinn, Program Director,
University of Utah Burn Camp
The Outcome
Captures critical participant details
With CampDoc, intake forms are customized to ensure staff are gathering the most important information.
Increases quality of care
Detailed documentation provides staff with insight into each and every participant’s unique needs.
Simplifies communication
Bulk messaging helps staff stay connected to camp alumni.
The Summary
University of Utah Burn Camp strives to make sure participants have a unique experience that enables them to connect with each other and with staff long beyond their time at camp. Gathering camper medical history and understanding their mental, emotional, and social health needs was previously done using pen, paper, and disparate systems that did not talk.
CampDoc was implemented in 2015, providing staff with an online, centralized location for detailed participant information. “I really love how historical data can be tracked within CampDoc, enabling me to reach out to former campers to check-in, seek insight, and engage with those who are struggling,” says Quinn, Program Director.
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