A Survey of Camp Leadership to Assess Immunization Requirements, Policies, and Practices in a National Cohort of Summer Camps
Bunke, Carissa; Schellpfeffer, Natalie; Garst, Barry; Bradin, Stuart; Gaslin, Tracey; Ambrose, Michael; Hashikawa, Andrew
JAMA Pediatrics, January 2021Camp Leadership Perspectives on Food Allergy–Related Anaphylaxis Events and Training for Camp Staff: A National Survey of Summer Camps
Schellpfeffer, Natalie R; Leo, Harvey L; Ambrose, Michael J; Hashikawa, Andrew N
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, April 2020, Volume 8, Issue 4, 1247-1252Assessing Disaster Preparedness Among Select Children’s Summer Camps in the United States and Canada
Megan, Chang; Sielaff, Alan; Bradin, Stuart; Walker, Kevin; Ambrose, Michael; Hashikawa, Andrew
Southern Medical Journal, August 2017, Volume 110, Issue 8, 502-508Food Allergy Trends and Epinephrine Autoinjector Presence in Summer Camps
Schellpfeffer, Natalie R; Leo, Harvey L; Ambrose, Michael J; Hashikawa, Andrew N
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, March-April 2017, Volume 5, Issue 2, 358-362
Current State of Anaphylaxis Training for Summer Camp Staff: A National Survey of Summer Camps
2017 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Conference
Schellpfeffer, N; Hashikawa, AN; Ambrose, M; Leo, H
Orlando, FLAssessment of Disaster Preparedness Among Select Children’s Summer Camps in the United States
2017 WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine
Hashikawa, AN; Bradin, S
Toronto, ONScratching Our Heads: A Review of Current Trends and Recommendations for Head Lice Management in the Camp Setting
2017 American Camp Association National Conference
DeHudy, A; Hashikawa, AN
Albuquerque, NMChallenges and Management of Food Allergies in Summer Camps
2017 Association of Camp Nursing Symposium
Schellpfeffer, N; Hashikawa, AN
Albuquerque, NMScratching Our Heads: A Review of Current Trends and Recommendations for Head Lice Management in the Camp Setting
2017 Association of Camp Nursing Symposium
DeHudy, A; Hashikawa, AN
Albuquerque, NMChildren with Severe Food Allergies in 2014 Summer Camps
2015 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Conference
Schellpfeffer, N; Hashikawa, AN; Ambrose, M; Leo, H
San Diego, CA
Abstracts / Posters
- Review of Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Among Summer Camps in the United States: Updates and Challenges2019 WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency MedicineBradin S, Ambrose M, Hashikawa AN
Brisbane, Australia - Pediatric Head Injuries in Summer Camps2018 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition
Kolberg K; Saleem N; Ambrose M; Hashikawa AN
Orlando, FL - Pediatric Head Injuries in Summer Camps2018 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
Kolberg K; Saleem N; Ambrose M; Hashikawa AN
Toronto, ON Unplugging and Learning: Benefits and Drawbacks of Digital Media Use While at Summer Camp
2018 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
DeHudy A; Hashikawa AN; Ambrose M; Radesky J
Toronto, ONPediatric Head Injuries in Summer Camps
2018 William G. Barsan Emergency Medicine Research Forum
Kolberg K; Saleem N; Ambrose M; Hashikawa AN
Ann Arbor, MICurrent State of Anaphylaxis Training for Summer Camp Staff: A National Survey of Summer Camps
2017 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
Schellpfeffer, N; Hashikawa, AN; Ambrose, M; Leo, H
San Francisco, CAScratching Our Heads: A Survey of Current Practices for Head Lice Detection and Management in United States Summer Camps
2016 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition
Dehudy, A; Ambrose, M; Hashikawa, AN
San Francisco, CAAssessing Disaster Preparedness Among Select Children’s Summer Camps in the United States
2016 William G. Barsan Emergency Medicine Research Forum
Walker, K; Chang, M; Sielaff, A; Ambrose, M; Bradin, S; Hashikawa, AN
Ann Arbor, MIAssessing Disaster Preparedness Among Select Children’s Summer Camps in the United States
2016 Preparedness Summit
Bradin, S; Walker, K; Ambrose, M; Chang, M; Hashikawa AN
Dallas, TXAssessing Disaster Preparedness Among Local Children’s Summer Camps
2015 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition
Chang, M; Sielaff, A; Bradin, S; Ambrose, M; Hashikawa, AN
Washington, DCChildren with Severe Food Allergies in 2014 Summer Camps
2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
Schellpfeffer, N; Hashikawa, AN; Ambrose, M; Leo, H
San Diego, CALice Infections in Summer Camps (2012-2014)
2015 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
Dehudy, A; Ambrose, M; Hashikawa, AN
San Diego, CAAssessing Disaster Preparedness Among Select Children’s Sumer Camps in the United States
2015 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition
Sielaff, A; Chang, M; Bradin, S; Ambrose, M; Hashikawa, AN
Chicago, ILFood Allergies in Summer Camps: 2012-2013
2014 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition
Schellpfeffer, N; Hashikawa, AN; Ambrose, M; Leo, H
San Diego, CAChildren with Severe Food Allergies in 2014 Summer Camps
2014 University of Michigan Pediatric Research Symposium
Schellpfeffer, N; Hashikawa, AN; Ambrose, M; Leo, H
Ann Arbor, MI