Wolfram Mathematica Summer Camp
Ensures Emergency Preparedness with
Centralized Health Records Management System

Meet Wolfram Mathematica Summer Camp

Wolfram Research is one of the world’s most respected computer, web and cloud software companies – as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation.

The Wolfram Summer Research Program is an intensive two-week program designed to advance high-school students’ programming and problem-solving skills. Through lectures and activities lead by Wolfram instructors, students use Wolfram Language to learn and apply computational thinking skills.

The Challenge

Mathematica Summer Camp is an intensive program for high school students interested in mathematics, science, and computer science. In order to improve their emergency preparedness, Mathematica Summer Camp was looking for a dedicated information hub where they could collect camper medical information, review it prior to the start of camp, and have the ability to quickly access records in the event of an emergency.

Seconds count during a medical emergency, and sorting through filing cabinets can waste precious time. Once a paper record is located, trying to read illegible handwritten forms always seemed to be a cause of further delays to contact parents or provide care.

The Solution

Why CampDoc?

When an emergency struck, the camp needed immediate access to a camper’s medical information and CampDoc was able provide this information quickly and efficiently.

“Our camp director accompanied one of our students to the hospital, signed-in to CampDoc, and downloaded their medical history, list of medications, and authorization for treatment,” said Carol Cronin, Education Administrator at Mathematica Summer Camp. “I then immediately used CampDoc to retrieve the student’s emergency contact information so I could speak with the parents and get their insight and assistance.”

Camp staff could focus efforts on transporting this camper to the emergency room, and knew they had instant access the camper’s medical record through CampDoc while en route.

I immediately used CampDoc to retrieve the student’s emergency contact information so I could speak with the parents and get their insight and assistance.

– Carol Cronin, Education Administrator,
Wolfram Mathematica Summer Camp

I immediately used CampDoc to retrieve the student’s emergency contact information so I could speak with the parents and get their insight and assistance.

– Carol Cronin, Education Administrator,
Wolfram Mathematica Summer Camp

The Outcome

Eliminated legibility concerns
Deciphering parent handwriting and tracking down a parent to confirm accuracy was no longer an issue, as camp staff could access typed and easy-to-read forms electronically.

Optimized emergency procedures
Access to camper medical records with the click of a button significantly improved the speed and quality of emergency care that the camp was able to provide.

Improved communication with parents
CampDoc gave staff members instant access to camper emergency contact information, so camp directors could quickly inform parents on the status of their child’s condition and get their support and assistance.

The Summary

With access to CampDoc, Mathematica Summer Camp was able to execute emergency procedures seamlessly. In Carol’s opinion, with CampDoc, the preparation for camp was “much easier” as well. Collecting camper health information electronically, reviewing records to familiarize themselves with camper medical issues, and accessing health records with ease, helped get everything “squared away” before check-in day.





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